Are you interested in becoming a family child care provider?

Find out more we have all you need to know, from licensing to funding we’ll help you every step of the way.

supports and services

coaching and funding

ECCYWK offers a variety of services to support licensed early child care and education professionals in their work with young children.


We have a variety of trainings offered by The Early Childhood Council for Yuma, Washington and Kit Carson Counties.

become a home provider

Colorado Shines is the quality rating and improvement system for all of Colorado’s licensed early care and learning programs.


ECCYWK has stipends for child care providers who are taking ECE classes.


Requirements for all early childhood professionals are determined by the Division of Early Care and Learning.

state licensing

 Child care licensing establishes standards for child care facilities. 


Most frequent questions and answers

 You must have 35 square feet of indoor play space and 75 square feet of outdoor space per child.

 Yes. Fences (or another natural barrier, such as a thick hedge) must be at least 42 inches high.

Yes, as long as you have the required square footage and meet the requirements for the outdoor play space and other safety standards.

 Once licensed, you must complete 15 hours of professional development a year. Trainings are available through a variety of agencies, and now online through PDIS. Subjects include: nutrition, health & safety, guidance, etc.

Daily rates depend on regional need.